Ibrahima Diedhiou is a registered patent agent and a former USPTO patent examiner. Mr. Diehhiou has a background in electrical engineering with a focus in optics. At OBWB, Mr. Diedhiou assists clients with the preparation and prosecution of patent applications and other proceedings before the USPTO.
Ibrahima brings a wealth of experience to bear, having prosecuted over 1,000 applications, drafted over 1,000 office actions, and responded to more than 1,000 arguments on patentability by applicants.
During his tenure as a USPTO patent examiner, Ibrahima drafted persuasive examiner’s answers to appeal briefs filed by applicants to the PTAB, and advised applicants on ways to overcome 35 U.S.C. 112 rejections and objections. Ibrahima's insider perspective of the United States Patent & Trademark Office enables him to assist clients in navigating each stage of the patent process.
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