, Ph.D.
- Patent Engineer
- French
- English
- German
Dr. Stumm is a Patent Engineer and practices prosecuting patents in consumer electronics, semiconductors, wireless communication & networking, optical, mechanical, telecommunication, mobile social networks, sensor networks, and software.
Dr. Stumm provides technical analysis on a wide variety of areas, comprising semiconductors, circuit design, wireless cellular communication, and software, and acts as liaison between engineering and non-engineering professionals.
Prior to joining Osha Bergman Watanabe & Burton (OBWB), Dr. Stumm worked at AMD, NVIDIA and SIEMENS, in various microchip product development and management functions. She was involved in the development of microchips for desktop and notebook CPU’s and GPU’s that are powering HP/DELL/Lenovo computers, as well as the Sony Playstation and the Microsoft Xbox. In addition, Dr. Stumm was a Research Assistant at Los Alamos National Lab, where she performed experimental research on neutron scattering.
Dr. Stumm earned her Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at Ohio University in Athens, where her graduate dissertation focused on the defects and conduction mechanisms in nitrogen-doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon. She has also performed research in the areas of the structure and electronic properties of amorphous gallium nitride.
- “Product cost reduction realized by aggressive test times and yields, achieved through great team effort and collaboration.” Advanced Micro Devices Spotlight Award (2013)
- American Solar Energy Society (ASES) – Lifetime Member
- Ohio University, Ph.D., Physics, 1997
- Ohio University, M.S., Physics
- D.A. Drabold, Petra Stumm, and P. A. Fedders, ” Structure, dynamics, and electronic properties of diamondlike amorphous carbon”, Physical Review Letters 72, 2666 (1994).
- D. A. Drabold, P. A. Fedders, and Petra Stumm, ” Theory of diamond like amorphous carbon”, Phys. Rev. B 49, 16415 (1994)
- Petra Stumm and D. A. Drabold, “Structural and electronic properties of nitrogen doped fourfold amorphous carbon”, Solid State Communications, 93, 617 (1995).
- Petra Stumm and D. A. Drabold, “Can Amorphous GaN serve as a useful electronic material”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 677 (1997).
- Petra Stumm and D. A. Drabold, P. A. Fedders, “Defects, doping, and conduction mechanisms in nitrogen-doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon” Journal of Applied Physics 81 1289 (1997)
- Michael Maldei, Petra Stumm: Derivative logical output. Sep, 10 2009: US 20090228624
- Petra Stumm, “Microelectronic Product Development” November 12, 2015. Invited talk at the Condensed Matter & Surface Science Colloquium